Philippines - Harini Fisheries - Preparation of layout for high quality tuna processing plant in the Philippines including process flows and recommendation on construction materials and details in order to fulfil the highest demands for modern processing facilities.
Client: Intertec A/S, Aarhus Denmark.
Poland - Karsin S.C. - Preparation of draft project including layout, new product assortment and business plan for a new canning plant to be build in connection to the existing plant in Karsin.
Client: Karsin S.C. by Mr. Jacek Schomburg.
Poland - Losos Sp. z.o.o. - Preparation of draft project including layout, process description, capacity balances and investment budget for a new cannery with a capacity of 50 mio. cans per year.
Client: Losos Sp. z.o.o. Ustka.
Poland - Superfish S.A. - Preparation of layout and investment budget for a new preliminary processing plant.
Client: Superfish S.A. Kukinia.
Belarus - Santa Impex - Preparation of detailed draft design for new marinated herring processing plant in Brest . The project included detailed layout, investment budget, technical installations, raw material and final product balances, process flow and descriptions, recipees and production manual for new product types.
Client: Santa Impex, Brest Belarus.
Mozambique - Directorate Nacional de Pescas and the Provincial Department for Fisheries in Beira - Preparation of layouts for more than 10 shrimp and fish processing plants in order to fulfil the demands for export to EU.
Client: DANIDA.