The results from the analyses of the workers health and the working conditions only showed improvements for the workers on the new MSP lines compared with the existing work tables – and with improved productivity obtained at the same time.
The additional investment for implementing the new MSP Department at CASEAFOOD is paid back within 5 months with the results obtained. If additional improvement is obtained can the investment be paid back within 3 months.
The new MSP lines have absolutely been a success and very large benefits can be obtained for the entire seafood processing sector by investing in and installation of the new lines together with a total reorganising of the layout of the existing facilities, in order to obtain much better product flows and more industrialised, efficient and easy to clean processing plants of western standard. Furthermore, will the improved working conditions and the improved contribution margin be beneficial for the many Vietnamese workers in the seafood industry giving possibility for better wages and better overall working environment.
For calculation of your economic benefit from installation of the MSP lines at your own facilities, please fill the form by clicking here
For more information about the earlier work with the design of the MSP lines - click here.
See a model of the future second generation of the MSP lines - click here.
See a short video of the production at CASEAFOOD made by VTV. (Vietnamese speaker)
Click here to see the video.

All 4 MSP lines in operation - June 2003.