Consumer-oriented product development and marketing.
The aim of the assistance is to develop processing methods for new products and product types both semi-processed or final products based on well-known or new fish species. The assistance can also be to improve on existing products by introducing new technologies or recipees - for example improved maturing process for the Baltic Herring and Sprat in order to improve on taste and texture of the final product. The assistance can be extended to include the development of a number of variants of the final product based upon market research and consumer group testing.
Evenmore the assistance includes implementation of the methods and products at the processors facilties and assisting with establishing of the required marketing of these products on both the home market and on export markets - if needed.
The assistance is normally divided into four sections:
I) Consumer needs and preferences. Identification of consumer needs and preferences for processed fish products based upon the actual raw material in question.
II) Process development. Development of the process or processes to be used.
III) Product development. Implementation of the new technology and methods and development of a number of variants based upon the new products for example in co-operation with local food chains and consumer groups.
IV) Market Introduction. Assistance in setting up a market introduction on the domestic market and on selected export markets of the new products using a modern and inexpensive promotion tool like the Internet in combination with a mail campaign.
The fish processing industry is the primary target group.
Today and in the future a successfull production and sale of products (based on locally caught raw material) needs product development, new recepies, quality awareness and assurance combined with a knowledge of the consumers needs and expectations.
As a result of the assistance the supply of good and inexpenive products for the home market will be increased but also export products for both Eastern - and
Western Europe
Lithuania - AB Siauliai Gela - Developing and marketing of new fish products for the processing industry in Lithuania.
Client: Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries (1997).